“How do I keep from being hacked?!”
OK, as much as I am in huge favor of cloud-based bookkeeping and storage, nothing is perfect. If you process financial transactions and send documents and data via the internet, there is always the risk of theft and ransomware and other cyber-badness. (Hackers gonna hack, y’all.)
There are certainly steps to take to keep your data as secure as possible. Please, PLEASE, establish business practices that include protocols to change passwords regularly, install encryption software, not open attachments in emails from people you don’t know, and learn how to recognize a phishing email so you don’t give any sensitive information to a hacker.
Even if you take the right steps, though, sometimes those hackers will still get through and create massive problems. Those problems include losing all of your business data, having your business data held hostage by hackers until you pay a ransom, or even having your business data (including your client’s data) sold on the dark web.
That’s it’s so important to have cyber liability coverage in the digital age. You have insurance to handle problems with your business assets (buildings, equipment, inventory), and your digital information needs protection as well.
As every business’s needs are unique, and I am not an insurance broker, I will not make any recommendations on what kind of or how much cyber liability coverage you would need. I will, however, encourage you to get in touch with an insurance expert to find out what your business’s vulnerabilities and options are. Better to be safe than sorry.